SWS/S&M Extension - What's new?

v2.14.0.3 featured build (September 14, 2024)

This version of SWS may be installed using either the traditional installers (.exe, .dmg, .tar.xz) or ReaPack (v1.2.4.4 or newer) via the default ReaTeam Extensions repository.

v2.14.0.2 pre-release build (August 14, 2024)

This version of SWS may be installed using either the traditional installers (.exe, .dmg, .tar.xz) or ReaPack (v1.2.4.4 or newer) via the default ReaTeam Extensions repository.


Auto color/icon/layout:

Contextual toolbars:

REAPER v7 track spacers:

ReaScript API:


v2.14.0.1 pre-release build (February 14, 2024)

This version of SWS may be installed using either the traditional installers (.exe, .dmg, .tar.xz) or ReaPack (v1.2.4.4 or newer) via the default ReaTeam Extensions repository.


Contextual toolbars:


REAPER v7 track spacers:

ReaScript API:

v2.14 pre-release build (February 8, 2024)

This version of SWS may be installed using either the traditional installers (.exe, .dmg, .tar.xz) or ReaPack (v1.2.4.4 or newer) via the default ReaTeam Extensions repository.


Auto color/icon/layout:

Contextual toolbars:

Cycle actions:

Hit detection:

Live configs:



ReaScript API:

Region playlist:

Windows installer:

v2.13.2.1 featured build (February 8, 2024)

No user-facing changes. This brands 2.13.2 as "stable".

v2.13.2 pre-release build (January 16, 2023)


Cycle Actions:


MIDI Editor:



ReaScript API:

Region Playlist:


v2.13.1 pre-release build (May 7, 2022)


Cycle actions:

ReaScript API:


v2.13 pre-release build (December 20, 2021)


Auto color/icon/layout:

Custom colors:

Cycle actions:


List view:




MIDI Editor:


ReaScript API:

Vertical zoom and track height:

v2.12.1.3 featured build (February 6, 2021)

Reminder: This version requires REAPER v5.982 or newer.
Update notice: The SWS extension filenames have changed since the previous featured build (v2.10). Linux and macOS users of SWS prior to v2.11 should remove the previous version before updating.

v2.12.1.2 pre-release build (December 23, 2020)

v2.12.1.1 pre-release build (December 7, 2020)





ReaScript API:

v2.12.1 pre-release build (October 16, 2020)

Contextual toolbars:

Cycle actions:





ReaScript API:

Vertical zoom and track height:


v2.12.0 pre-release build (May 2, 2020)

Reminder: this new SWS version requires REAPER v5.982+!

Auto color/icon/layout:


Contextual toolbars:

Cycle actions:


List View:




New actions:



ReaScript API:

Region Playlist:


Theme helper:

Unindent selected track(s):


v2.11.0 pre-release build (December 3, 2019)

Reminder: this new SWS version requires REAPER v5.979+!

Update notice: The SWS extension filenames have changed in this release. Linux and macOS users should remove the previous version before updating.


Contextual toolbars:

Global notes: (Issue 1170)



Note: details about high precision mode use case here


Marker List and Track List:


New actions:

Play from edit/mouse cursor actions:

Preview media item/take under mouse cursor actions:

ReaScript API:

Region Playlist:



Note: Send envelopes should now be stored/recalled correctly with Snapshots (long standing bug) as of SWS v2.10.0, though it hasn't been tested much. Since snapshots are based on state chunks, changes within automation items (AI) envelopes are not stored/recalled currently (FR), though AI properties (e.g. position) should be recalled correctly. Also note that when deleting an AI and trying to recall a previously stored snapshot which contains this AI it won't be recalled correctly.

Windows installer:

"Xenakios/SWS: Rename takes and source files...": (Issue 1140)

v2.10.0 #1 Featured build (February 6, 2019)

Mega thanks to nofish and cfillion for their many contributions, and X-Raym for doing the tedious work of merging everything into a release.
Recommended use of REAPER 5.965.

Revert 'Track height actions and vertical zoom actions obey track height locking' (for not breaking existing workflows, may come back as optional later on)
"SWS/NF: Enable / Disable multichannel metering (...)" actions: Improve performance (report here, thanks Edgemeal!)

v2.10.0 pre-release build (February 2, 2019)

New features:



New ReaScript functions:
(thanks Breeder!)

Other changes:
- Rename "SWS: Analyze and display item peak and RMS" to "SWS: Analyze and display item peak and RMS (entire item)" (background)
- Rename and deprecate "Xenakios/SWS: Toggle stop playback at end of time selection" (Issue 1066)
- Rename "SWS/S&M: Show/Hide take ... envelope" actions to "SWS/S&M: Show/Hide and unbypass/bypass take ... envelope" (Issue 1078)
- Rename 'take ... envelopes' to 'take ... envelope' (to be consistent with native actions)
- Remove useless code vulnerable to buffer overflows

v2.9.8 pre-release build (March 5, 2018)

Now requires REAPER 5.50+!



New ReaScript functions:

v2.9.7 featured build (September 28, 2017)


New ReaScript functions:

v2.9.6 featured build (September 4, 2017)


v2.9.5 pre-release build (August 30, 2017)


New ReaScript functions:


v2.9.4 pre-release build (April 6, 2017)

New ReaScript function:


v2.9.3 pre-release build (April 2, 2017)


New ReaScript functions (Issue 781)

Removed deprecated "SWS/AW: Grid to x" actions (sorry if this breaks your toolbars, please replace with native actions)


v2.9.2 pre-release build (March 27, 2017)


v2.9.1 pre-release build (March 24, 2017)

Auto color/icon/layout



v2.9.0 pre-release build (March 14, 2017)



v2.8.8 featured build (March 13, 2017)

We're back!

This is just the 2.8.7 pre-release build officially released, and rebuilt to better support latest REAPER versions.
I plan to continue on and work on some of the bug fixes next.  I hope everyone is well!  -SWS

v2.8.7 pre-release build (March 26, 2016)

Reminder: this new SWS version requires REAPER v5.15pre1+!

Auto color/icon/layout



v2.8.6 pre-release build (February 5, 2016)

Reminder: this new SWS version requires REAPER v5.15pre1+!

Live Configs

Notes window



v2.8.5 pre-release build (January 29, 2016)

This new SWS version requires REAPER v5.15pre1+!

Auto color/icon/layout


v2.8.4 pre-release build (January 28, 2016)

Auto color/icon/layout

Live Configs

"All notes off" actions/features



v2.8.3 featured build (January 8, 2016)

New global startup action (in addition to per-project startup actions)



v2.8.2 featured build (November 3, 2015)


Cycle Actions

Autocolor: Make sure the color picker is always visible


v2.8.1 featured build (September 10, 2015)

New actions





v2.8.0 featured build (August 13, 2015)

This new SWS version requires and supports REAPER v5.0+!
Lots of new features/fixes: everything listed below is new, down to v2.6 (all intermediate versions were pre-releases/beta/fixup builds).

New actions

Contextual toolbars



v2.7.3 pre-release build (July 8, 2015)

ReaScript: fixed missing exported functions

v2.7.2 pre-release build (July 7, 2015)

REAPER v5.0rc1+ is required!

New actions




v2.7.1 pre-release build (May 7, 2015)


Region Playlist


Added actions



v2.7.0 featured build (May 7, 2015)

OSX: fixed UI issues with listviews on Yosemite and trackpads

Fixed various buglets (Region Playlist, marker/region actions, etc) when some regions/markers end later than the last media item

v2.6.4 pre-release build (May 1, 2015)

REAPER v5.0pre21+ is required!

Custom mouse cursors

Contextual toolbars

Added actions




v2.6.3 pre-release build (March 12, 2015)

REAPER v5.0pre14b+ is required!

Contextual toolbars

Added actions




v2.6.2 pre-release build (January 16, 2015)

REAPER v5.0pre6+ is required! (this REAPER version supports SWS functions exported to EEL and Lua)


v2.6.1 pre-release build (January 7, 2015)

REAPER v5.0pre4+ is required!

REAPER 5 preliminary support

v2.6.0 featured build (January 7, 2015)

Notes window

v2.5.2 pre-release build (December 11, 2014)

REAPER v4.75+ is required!

Contextual toolbars

Analyze and normalize loudness

Added actions


v2.5.1 pre-release build (November 24, 2014)

REAPER v4.74+ is required!
New API functions were introduced in this version, they enable various improvements in the SWS/S&M Extension.
Thank you Cockos!

Contextual toolbars

Analyze and normalize loudness

Added actions




v2.5.0 #1 featured build (December 11, 2014)

v2.5.0 featured build (November 24, 2014)

Notes window

v2.4.0 #10 pre-release build (July 11, 2014)

REAPER v4.70+ is required!
New API functions were introduced in this version, they enable various improvements in the SWS/S&M Extension.
Thank you Cockos!

Analyze and normalize loudness

Added actions




v2.4.0 #9 pre-release build (April 19, 2014)

This version requires REAPER v4.62pre8+, an "Incompatible version" error message will be displayed otherwise...

Cycle Actions support conditional statements (IF, IF NOT, etc) in the MIDI Editor


v2.4.0 #8 pre-release build (April 13, 2014)

Cycle Actions can be registered in any section of the action list (e.g. MIDI Editor)
Note: requires REAPER v4.62pre7+

v2.4.0 #7 pre-release build (April 9, 2014)

Added actions in the MIDI Editor action list (requires REAPER v4.62pre7+)

Snapshots: the default number of recall actions is now configurable in REAPER.ini
Edit the key "DefaultNbSnapsRecall" in the section [SWS] (quit REAPER before editing this file!)

v2.4.0 #6 pre-release build (April 6, 2014)



v2.4.0 #5 pre-release build (March 30, 2014)

Analyze and normalize loudness

Warp grid

Project startup action

Cycle actions

Marker list

Added actions

Added ReaScript functions


v2.4.0 #4 (March 13, 2014)

REAPER v4.60+ is required!
New API functions were introduced in this version, they enable various improvements in the SWS/S&M Extension.
Thank you Cockos!

Added actions

Resources: auto-save media files improvements


Cycle actions

Added ReaScript functions


v2.4.0 #3 (February 5, 2014)

Added actions



v2.4.0 #2 (November 15, 2013)

MIDI/OSC actions support learn with both MIDI Pitch and "normalized" OSC messages

Region Playlist

Auto color/icon

Cycle Actions

Notes window

Resources / Issue 591: make it possible to save and use new slots/files only via user macros (w/o tweaking the S&M.ini file, etc..)

Resources: other updates

ReaScript function export

Ruler's drag zoom / Issue 540: added actions for better usability



v2.4.0 #1 (August 6, 2013)

Fixed some actions learned with relative MIDI CC events

Live Configs:

Cycle Action editor: copy/paste commands with Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-X (on OS X: CMD-C, etc..)

v2.3.0 #23 (July 22, 2013)

Fixed theme actions vs some user preferences, thanks Breeder!

Resources window:

ReaScript function export:

v2.3.0 #22 (July 15, 2013)

Fixed screenset saving

v2.3.0 #21 (July 11, 2013)


v2.3.0 #20 (July 9, 2013)

Added actions:



Enabled more code optimizations on Windows builds to increase action speed in some cases, especially with x64.

v2.3.0 #19 (June 27, 2013)


Added actions:


v2.3.0 #18 (June 9, 2013)

Issue 517 / Windows OS: S&M actions and commands that open the Explorer now also reveal files
OS X: better fonts in S&M windows (again!)


v2.3.0 #17 (April 30, 2013)

REAPER v4.33+ is required!
New API functions were introduced in this version, they enable various improvements in the SWS/S&M Extension.
Thank you Cockos!

Cycle Action (CA)

Resources window and related "slot actions"


v2.3.0 #16 (April 18, 2013)

Added H:M:S.F to marker list export format


v2.3.0 #15 (April 8, 2013)

Live Configs:

Region Playlist:

Added actions:



v2.3.0 #14 (March 23, 2013)

Cycle Actions (CAs)

Live Configs

Snapshot improvements: (Thanks for the contributions, Chris!)

Added actions:



v2.3.0 #13 (February 2, 2013)

ReaConsole updates

Cycle Action editor updates

Ported more features to OS X:

Issue 524: new actions to detect and unselect offscreen items (just to unify the 4 existing actions "Toggle offscreen item selection (left/right/top/bottom)")


v2.3.0 #12 (January 30, 2013)

Automatic check for updates:

Tempo improvements:

Added actions:

Fix for OSC & MIDI CC relative "mode 3" learn

v2.3.0 #11 (January 15, 2013)

Fix for snapshot merge crash

v2.3.0 #10 (January 11, 2013)

Live Configs: support OSC and rotary controllers

Added actions (customizable in the S&M.ini file):
The following new actions are a bit specific, so they are hidden by default (n=0 in the S&M.ini file)


Auto color/icon:


v2.3.0 #9 (December 23, 2012)

Live Configs: big overhaul, merged a dedicated extension plugin.
The fine details will be posted in this thread/PDF (not up-to-date yet!), in the meantime major changes are:

Region Playlist

Cycle actions

Export functions to ReaScript

Added actions

All list views:


v2.3.0 #8 (November 1, 2012)

Region playlist: new features for live use!

Export functions to ReaScript


v2.3.0 #7 (October 17, 2012)

Export functions to ReaScript

Added actions



House cleaning, renamed cryptic "auto-refreshed" toolbar actions:

Tempo manipulation improvements:

v2.3.0 #6 (October 3, 2012)

Auto color for regions and markers, thanks Brado231! (issue 339)

Localization: (almost) everything can be translated!
Fixes/improvements (thanks Mr Data!):
Notes for translators:

Export functions to ReaScript

Added actions:

Updated actions "Set selected tracks folder states"

Region playlist



v2.3.0 #5 (September 13, 2012)

Issue 432: Export functions to ReaScript and/or to other extensions. See documentation here.
Added functions:

Convert project Markers dialog is now toggleable and has a state
Issue 504: (re-)added horizontal scrollbar in the Notes window
Issue 512: improved OS X install disk (added a script that does all the job, just double-click on it!)

Added "What's new?" (via HTML file generation)

Added actions:

Removed actions (were already available - use native actions):

v2.3.0 #4 (August 30, 2012)

REAPER v4.26+ is required

A big welcome to our latest developer, Breeder!  He added actions:

External MIDI file support + MIDI source offset support (action "SWS/S&M: Takes - Remove empty MIDI takes/items among selected items", etc..)
Improved "All notes off" handling (Live Configs tool + "All notes off" actions)
Fixed/improved "Xenakios/SWS: Create markers from selected items" (bug reported here)
OS X / Resources window: better text filter behavior

v2.3.0 #3 (August 22, 2012)

Issue 498: OS X - Fixed docked SWS window close issues

v2.3.0 #2 (July 28, 2012)

Fixed theming issues on Windows XP/7 (reported here)
Fixed Label processor crash (reported here)
More localization for the Groove tool

v2.3.0 #1 (July 22, 2012)

REAPER v4.25+ is required

v2.2.0 #17 (July 13, 2012)

Label processor:

Windows OS: fixed possible stuck tooltips and buttons stuck on hover state
Fix for OS X ini files

v2.2.0 #16 (July 9, 2012)

Full localization for "Fill gaps", "Snapshots merge" and "ReaConsole" tools
Main dialog boxes are now themed
Fixed actions "SWS/S&M: Move selected FX up/down in chain for selected tracks" (broken in v2.2.0 #3)
Fixed actions "SWS/S&M: Active MIDI Editor - Save/Restore displayed CC lanes, slot n" (broken in v2.2.0 #3)
House cleaning: removed actions "SWS/S&M: Takes - Build lanes for selected tracks/items" (those glorious actions are useless now: REAPER features take alignment)

v2.2.0 #15 (June 25, 2012)

The following windows are now themed:

OS X / Live Configs

List views

Localization for item/track color and snapshot context menus (thanks neilerua!)
Removed smooth scroll, please use native version

v2.2.0 #14 (June 14, 2012)

Resources window and related slots actions

Region Playlist

Live Configs

Notes window: better refresh, fixed broken helper to copy/paste custom macro IDs
Cue buss generator: fix for track template files containing more than 1 track
Added undo points for track icon actions
Issue 458: Fixed zoom actions that "hide others"
Issue 486: added actions SWS/S&M: Show next/previous image slot

v2.2.0 #13 (June 6, 2012)

Note: a new SWS template LangPack will be released with the next official SWS version!

v2.2.0 #12 (June 3, 2012)

Issue 476: Fix deleting of descriptions in MarkerList, Notes window too
Notes window: now can select all text with Ctrl-A (Windows only)
OS X: fixed macro learn (Cycle Action editor and Live Configs)
OS X: list view selections behave like on Windows OS
Fixed a few localized strings that were ignored

v2.2.0 #11 (May 31, 2012)

Issue 475: region playlist stops in sync
Issue 473/Resources window: the auto-save button now prompts to overwrite selected slots/files
Fixed "file not found" label

v2.2.0 #10 (May 29, 2012)

Resources window

Region playlist: added repeat button
Notes window: re-added marker/region names edition (and display à la "Big clock" when text edition is locked)
Added actions (for issue 470 & macros based on cue buss actions)

v2.2.0 #9 (May 16, 2012)

Added source filename (/s) to Label processor
Issue 471: fixed file renaming from the Resources window

v2.2.0 #8 (May 11, 2012)

Fixed lost actions (reported here)
Issue 469: fixed playlist loop

v2.2.0 #7 (May 8, 2012)

Issue 466: fixed "add all regions" and related issues in Region Playlist window (broken in v2.2.0 #6)
Issue 467: fixed possible crash when pasting text in the Notes window
More UTF-8 fixes
Added action "Export formatted marker list to file"

Improved all S&M track FX actions: use new native APIs + configurable bypass/unbypass and online/offline actions (in the S&M.ini file, up to 99 FX)
Added very specific track FX actions (hidden by default, i.e. default number of actions = 0 in the S&M.ini file)

v2.2.0 #6 (May 1, 2012)

Region Playlist

Added actions


v2.2.0 #5 (April 23, 2012)

Region Playlist

SWS localization

OS X love:


v2.2.0 #4 (April 9, 2012)

SWS localization
The SWS extension now also uses the language pack file defined in the preferences (just like REAPER).
The SWS template LangPack file is available here (it will be regulary updated for "official" SWS releases).
This file should be merged with the main translated REAPER LangPack file as explained here.
All action names can be translated (and most of undo point names: same string). Many dialog boxes and windows can be translated.
Full localization support for (on-going work..):

Region playlist
Added actions (and new context menu items):


v2.2.0 #3 (March 25, 2012)

Dropped support for REAPER v3.x, REAPER v4.20+ is required!

REAPER localization support: fixed broken Snapshots and LFO Generator vs localized envelope names, fixed action learn in S&M windows, Theme helper, etc..
Note: localization of the SWS extension is coming soon!

Added new "S&M Region Playlist" window - Screenshot
Useful to preview different song structures (i.e. non-linear play) and apply them via the command "Crop project to playlist".
Use the context menu to add/remove/etc.. regions, use drag-drop to reorder regions in the playlist. Undo points are created for playlist editions.
Manage several playlists: top left dropdown box and tiny plus/minus buttons. Playlists are saved in project files.
Note: the play preview is based on "smooth seeking" so regions are played until the next measure (start positions of regions do not matter). Croping a project to a playlist will respect regions boundaries, of course.
Added related actions:

Live Configs:

Cue buss generator:

Resources window and related "slot actions":

Label processor:

FX presets actions improvements: OS X support + improved on Windows OS (use new dedicated APIs)
Added in the main section of the action list (new on OS X):
Added in the "S&M extension" of the action list (new on OS X):
Added new FX preset actions in the main section (new on OS X and Windows OS):

Marker list:

Other, fixes:

Added other actions:

v2.2.0 #2 (March 7, 2012)

Fixed groove tool context menu
Added label processor (Extensions->Label processor). Automatic labelling of selected items using various parameters.  <= Thanks IXix!

v2.2.0 #1 (February 13, 2012)

Lots of changes from 2.1 -> 2.2.  The fine details are below, but the major changes are:

Fixed support for REAPER 3.x
Issue 449: fixed cue buss actions not copying track levels to buss' receives when in pre-fader mode
Fixed flickering of docked SWS and S&M windows when resizing them (before fix, after)
List views: fixed wrong context menu when columns were hidden/moved (Auto Color/Icon, Live Configs, etc...)
List views (Windows OS): fixed possible missing vertical grid lines and better grid display vs cell edition
All S&M track group actions now also support the master track
Issue 256: Fixed "SWS: Toggle auto add envelopes when tweaking in write mode" also affecting other preferences

Live Configs:
Added actions (useful to switch configs without MIDI CC controller, e.g. -/+ controllers (like pedals) sending MIDI note messages)

Resources window:
Resources/Track templates slots:

Cycle action editor:

House cleaning:

v2.1.0 #28 (January 25, 2012)

Fixed "SWS/AW: Split selected items at edit cursor w/crossfade on left" - now crossfade time is zoom independent

v2.1.0 #27 (January 23, 2012)

Remove broken/confusing action "Toggle visibility of selected folder parent's children in mixer".  Replace with macro "sel children"/"toggle mixer vis" if you like.
Move cursor left/right ms/config seconds now respects preference "When moving edit cursor via action or control surface: Scrub/Do not scrub"

v2.1.0 #26 (January 4, 2012)

Fingers MIDI action fixes:

Issue 426: Fixed snapshots problem with 'frozen' tracks
On Windows OS: all S&M list views now support grid lines, i.e. they use the color "Window list grid lines" of the Theme Editor
OS X: Fixed "beachball" when running cycle actions

v2.1.0 #25 (January 1, 2012)

Cycle actions: OS X cleanup/fixes (thanks to Kundalinguist and CaptainHook!)

Resources window:
Resources/Media file slots: new option and actions for playback synchronization

Notes/Subtitles/Help window:

Added other actions:

v2.1.0 #24 (December 16, 2011)

Image window:

Resources window: bookmark names as defined by the user

v2.1.0 #23 (December 15, 2011)

Notes/Help window -> Notes/Subtitles/Help

Resources window updates:
Added clear/delete slot actions (Issue 431):

Resources/Media file slots improvements:
Added actions with pause:

New "Images" slot type in the Resources window: manage slots for PNG files (Issue 418)
In this view, double-click and the ENTER key can be customized to:
Added slot actions for images:

Issue 430: Added Rename to Markerlist context menu, F2 renames too
Issue 433: fixed creation of cycle actions broken in v2.1.0 #22

House cleaning:

v2.1.0 #22 (December 12, 2011)

Resources window updates:
Issue 408: added resource slot bookmarks
Added actions (Issue 422):

Cycle action editor: re-fixed drag-drop of commands in the right list view re-broken in v2.1.0 #21
Live Configs: the ENTER key activates the selected config
Notes/help window: less flickering
Properly keep marker/region colors when renumbering

v2.1.0 #21 (November 28, 2011)

Cycle actions improvements:

Live Configs:

Resources window:

Notes/help: do not update region/marker names when playing and editing (but only when the view is locked)

S&M windows theming
S&M windows now use themed buttons (i.e. toolbar_blank.png and composite_toolbar_overlay.png, if it exists)
List views also obey following colors of the Theme Editor (REAPER > v4.11, on Windows OS and OS X!) :

The following media item actions will work whatever is the current track selection:

v2.1.0 #20 (November 19, 2011)

Added action:

Resources window:
Auto-save for media file slots:
Issue 411, fixes for S&M media files slot actions (thanks Anton9!):

House cleaning:

Fixed toggle states for all actions "SWS/S&M: Toggle arming of [...] envelope for selected tracks" (toggle states were stuck to "off")
Issue 400: Fixed marker set paste in Reaper v4.x

v2.1.0 #19 (November 14, 2011)

Issue 375: Fixed "SWS: Nudge master output 1 volume -1db" action

v2.1.0 #18 (November 14, 2011)

Resources window: two new slot types, Media files and Themes!

Resources window: new "Media files" slot type
Manage slots for all media file types supported by REAPER (WAV, MIDI, etc..).
Context menu:
In the list view the double-click can be customized to:
Added slot actions for media files:

New "Themes" slot type in the Resources window (on Windows OS only):
Manage slots for themes, i.e. slots for ReaperthemeZip files (unpacked themes are not supported).
Added slot actions for themes:

Show Bank Select and Bank/Program Select lanes in FNG CC lane actions
Fixed FNG crashes (issue 410 and issue 390)

Issue 375: Added actions to control the master track hardware output:

Fixed issue 409: bad theming colors when REAPER version was < v4.11
Many Xenakios actions now have consistent undo names (vs action names), removed a log file
S&M.ini file: better presentation of configurable slot actions

v2.1.0 #17 (November 2, 2011)

Added media file slot actions (details in issue 386):

Cycle action editor:

Notes/Help window: region names can be edited too (they are edited/displayed according to edit/play cursor position)

Resources window: the context menu item "Select/load project templates (new tab)" now also opens multiple selected projects in separate tabs (issue 369)

All S&M themable windows use the following configurable colors of the Theme Editor (on Windows & REAPER v4.11):


House cleaning:

v2.1.0 #16 (October 14, 2011)

S&M themable windows: fixed 3D highlight/shadow colors

Resource window: Project Loader/Selecter overhauled

Fixed autogrouping broken in 2.1.0 #15

v2.1.0 #15 (October 13, 2011)

Added actions:

Cue Buss Generator & Live Configs: track templates improvements (same as issue 376)
Resources window: saved FX chains and track templates are now indented
Notes/Help window: better resizing, improved "big font" display (less flickering)
Faster REAPER startup, especially with large projects (for real this time!)

House cleaning:

v2.1.0 #14 (October 9, 2011)

"Auto-refresh toolbars" option (Main menu > Extensions > SWS options): added toolbar enabled actions and advanced parameter

SWS list views:

Issue 394: SWS Wait... actions don't work on OS X, removed from OS X release.

Added actions:

OS X: Now building with Xcode 3.2, please report any regression issues.

v2.1.0 #13 (September 23, 2011)

Issue 385: Fixed slow REAPER startup introduced in v2.1.0 #11
Issue 377: Frozen tracks support

v2.1.0 #12 (September 21, 2011)

Issue 380: Fixed possible hang when exiting REAPER on Windows 7
Issue 372:

v2.1.0 #11 (September 15, 2011)

Resources window / track templates: auto-save now fully mimics the way track templates are saved natively (details in issue 376)
Resources window / FX Chains: auto-save now fully mimics the way FX Chains are saved natively (Issue 376)

Optimization: faster SWS init / REAPER startup

REAPER v4.03pre's track freeze: some actions won't have any effect on frozen tracks
(temporary until this new native feature is not officially released and properly managed in SWS extensions)

v2.1.0 #10 (September 13, 2011)

Live configs:

Resources window:

Issue 371: Added action "SWS: Normalize items to overall peak RMS", adjusts all selected items by the same amount (eg adjusting volume of a split/comped line)

v2.1.0 #9 (September 7, 2011)

Issue 367: OS X: Fixed issues after opening docked windows

v2.1.0 #8 (September 4, 2011)

Fixed crashing on undo reported in the main reaper forum thread
Fixed possible SWS list views refresh issues introduced in v2.1.0 #5
Cycle action editor: fixed drag & drop of commands (right list view) broken since v2.1.0 #5

v2.1.0 #7 (September 2, 2011)

Issue 366: Fixed crash with Show Used CC lanes
Issue 348: Fixed note on left hand edge of take sometimes being missed when applying groove
Faster parsing and construction of midi takes
Fix crash with groove quantize when no notes are selected
Cycle action editor: fixed action renaming bug introduced in v2.1.0 #5
Cycle action editor: fixed corrupted "Right click here..." cycle action introduced in v2.1.0 #5

Marker list now supports save/restore and changing of colors ("Set color..." in the context menu), including en masse with ctrl-click - requires Reaper v4.03

Resources window: "Auto-fill" (context menu) now adds slots rather than inserting them (i.e. do not change existing slot numbers)
Resources window/FX Chains: support for track channels when FX Chains are saved in the Resources view (Issue 363)
Resources window/Projects: added "Add recent projects" in the context menu (it adds all recent projects as listed in Main menu>File>Recent projects)
Resources window/Projects: added project loader/selecter actions (useful for live performance):

Cycle actions:

Added action:

v2.1.0 #6 (August 28, 2011)

Issue 358: Fixed possible crash on project load
Issue 360: Fixed SWS list crash introduced in v2.1.0 #5
Issue 362: Fixed possible cycle action corruption and other sort issues

v2.1.0 #5 (August 22, 2011)

Issue 353: Much improved SWS window list performance (eg Markerlist with many, many markers)
Issue 354: Fixed crash when importing non-RPP project files.
Removed broken "SWS/AW: Toggle TCP"

v2.1.0 #4 (August 21, 2011)

Issue 352: fixed cycle actions that contain Custom actions

Cycle action editor:

v2.1.0 #3 (August 21, 2011)

Issue 77/Issue 147: Snapshots now store native envelopes:

Bug fix for new SWS install defaulting to deprecated FX snapshot storage (thanks, cylens!)

v2.1.0 #2 (August 18, 2011)

Issue 340 / Issue 60: Added actions for item/sample analysis, especially drum sample pack creating:

Issue 77 / Issue 147: Added pan law to pan snapshots

v2.1.0 #1 (August 9, 2011)

Offical SWS v2.1 release to coincide with Reaper v4!  Please note this version of SWS will work with both Reaper v3 and v4, but v3 support will be dropped in the future.  Please support Cockos and purchase a v4 license if you do not already own one.

v2.0.0 #35 (August 8, 2011)

Issue 332: OS X: Fixed cycle action editor -- now replaced with a basic "create cycle action" modal dialog box. The dialog box can be opened from the actions list (there are 3 "create cycle action" actions) but not from the main "Extensions" menu like on Windows.
Issue 335: OS X: Fixed crash when starting Reaper with Notes/Help window previously open

Added actions:

v2.0.0 #34 (August 3, 2011)

Fixed cycle actions window context menu on OS X

v2.0.0 #33 (August 2, 2011)

Fixed "stuck" cycle actions window on OS X

v2.0.0 #31 (July 31, 2011)

Added configurable slot actions (hidden by default, customizable in the S&M.ini file):

Issue 324: Snapshot support for v4 pan styles/settings
Added action "SWS: Toggle selecting one grouped item selects group"
Fixed x64 installer issue
Renamed actions "Set displayed CC lanes, slot n" into "Restore displayed CC lanes, slot n"
Removed useless action "SWS/S&M: Notes/Help - Disables auto updates"

v2.0.0 #30 (July 7, 2011)

Issue 309: Add action "SWS: Open last project"
Issue 310: Fixed Autorender not working in Reaper v4.0 beta
Issue 315: Add action "SWS: Toggle between current and saved track selection"
Issue 319: Fixed double-click renaming of fields on OS X
Issue 323: Fixed duplicated "Recall snapshot" actions
Issue 326: Renamed "set/unset/toggle master send" actions to "master outputs", added toggles to 12

S&M Resources window:
The number of slot actions can now be customized in the S&M.ini file, in the new section [NbOfActions].
*Quit REAPER* before customizing the number of slots/actions (none: 0, max: 99).
An example (with the current list of configurable actions and their default numbers) is here.
This also "unhides" (i.e. 0 slot by default) 2 new actions:

Beware! following actions are now configurable but their custom ids have changed:

v2.0.0 #29 (June 30, 2011)

Added "Cycle action editor" (Main menu > Extensions > Cycle Action editor):

Other cycle action updates:

S&M Notes/help:

Issue 308: Fixed "Select/load project template" actions
Issue 317: Fixed Shorcircuit hang when set online with open GUI (needs "BuggyPlugsSupport=1" in the S&M.ini file, full story here)
Tweaks: little Unicode fixes, better message boxes on OS X..

Added actions:

v2.0.0 #28 (June 13, 2011)

Fixed duplicated "take pan envelopes" actions
Fixed subtle "recursive cycle action" cases (e.g. a cycle action that calls a macro that calls a cycle action)

Added actions:

S&M Find: added "Zoom/Scroll" option (when searching for items)

S&M Resources: now also supports project templates (i.e. new option in top left dropdown box)
Added options/popup menu items common for FX chains, track template & project templates:
Added project template slot actions:

House cleaning: simplified a bunch of actions names (i.e. "Load/apply", "Load/paste", etc.. => "Apply", "Paste", etc..)

v2.0.0 #27 (June 4, 2011)

Issue 301: Fixed "Crossfade adjacent selected items" crash
Issue 302: Fixed "Move right by 1 sample (on grid)" action
Issue 298: Find "all" now zooms to found items (reminder: find "next/prev" scrolls to the found item)

Added actions:

S&M Resources window:

Padre's Envelope Processor and LFO generator now respect the "Per-take pitch envelope range" preference (was hard coded to 3 semitones before)

v2.0.0 #26 (May 28, 2011)

Merged tiny extension plugin (2 new actions that can help WALTERing themes

Theming updates for all S&M windows (Find, Resources, Notes/help and Live Configs):

Added actions:

S&M Resource window updates:

S&M Find updates:

House cleaning:

Issue 300: Fixed "Open REAPER project in item BWAV info" crash

v2.0.0 #25 (May 22, 2011)

Issue 273: New actions for moving the edit cursor:

Issue 283: New action "SWS: Select unmuted tracks"
Issue 286: New actions "SWS: Set master mono" and "SWS: Set master stereo"
Issue 297: Fixed bug with project file size increasing with each save after using groove tool. Load and resave affected projects to automatically fix.

v2.0.0 #24 (May 18, 2011)

Zoom updates:

S&M Resource window updates:

v2.0.0 #23 (May 17, 2011)

Fixed ruler not moving edit cursor

v2.0.0 #22 (May 17, 2011)

SWS Zoom updates:

Snapshot improvements:

Fixed the following actions/dialog boxes (crash with v4 empty take lanes):

House cleaning:

v2.0.0 #21 (May 11, 2011)

Fixed browsing for folder in Windows when path contains unicode characters
Fixed opening of groove presets with unicode characters in paths on Windows
Toolbar auto-refresh option disabled by default
House cleaning: removed "SWS/S&M: Let REAPER breathe" (see why here.)

Cycle action updates:

v2.0.0 #20 (May 5, 2011)

Added cycle actions (user configurable):

Added actions:

Bug fixes:

v2.0.0 #19 (April 29, 2011)

Added toolbar actions with "auto-refreshed" button states (if the new option "Main menu > Extensions > SWS Options > Enable toolbars auto refresh" is ticked):

Added FX preset actions (v4 only, see implementation remarks here). They works with any type of FX and any presets (user or factory presets):

Added other actions:

Find window:

Fixes, tweaks, house cleaning:

v2.0.0 #18 (March 28, 2011)

Added actions:

Readded Xenakios' "Command parameters" to the Extensions menu
Fix crash when parsing a MIDI take with a large extended MIDI event.

v2.0.0 #17 (March 16, 2011)

Added actions (issue 165, Windows OS only):
Remark: for these actions to work, keyboard shortcuts must use modifiers in order to pass-through to the main window (ex: Ctrl+minus = focus previous, Ctrl+plus = focus next)

House cleaning, removed "duplicated" actions (remaining focus actions now also focus the main window on cycle):

New actions from Adam Wathan:

S&M Notes/help window: optimizations, fixed issue 204 (actions were not refreshed when the view was docked)
S&M GUI tweaks
Bug fixes for "Fill Gaps" and "AW Fade" actions

v2.0.0 #16 (March 9, 2011)

Added actions:

"Load project template X" actions are now automatically added for any number of project templates that exist in the ProjectTemplates directory.

v2.0.0 #15 (March 4, 2011)

These actions now support v4 empty take lanes as well as alternate peak (.reapeaks) cache path:

Added actions (issue 268):


Shift-click in marker list now makes a time selection

v2.0.0 #14 (March 1, 2011)

Performance improvements (REAPER startup, S&M actions related to notes, FX, FX chains and track grouping)
S&M FX chains actions now properly manage FX comments

v4 input FX chains support

S&M Resources window updates:
In "FX chain" mode (i.e. "FX chain" selected in the top left dropdown box):

Added actions (issue 258):

v2.0.0 #13 (February 24, 2011)

Installers updated to include grooves (installed in Reaper resource path\Grooves on Win, manual install for OS X)
Fixed sws-autocoloricon.ini reading on OS X
S&M Find now supports v4 empty take lanes
Fixed issue 262: pre-FX and post-fader S&M cue buss actions now obey send & HW output default prefs (i.e. prefrences > project > track/send defaults). Note: pre-fader busses still mimic the volume of selected tracks.
Restored deprecated Xen's "Load track template n" (where n>10) actions

v2.0.0 #12 (February 18, 2011)

Autorender: Fixed another silent render bug for relative media items not in the project root directory

v2.0.0 #11 (February 16, 2011)

Issue 245: Added "SWS: Goto/select next marker/region" and "SWS: Goto/select previous marker/region"
Autorender: Fixed bug where projects with relative paths to media files rendered silent tracks
Removed "SWS: Toggle auto fades for new items", use native "Toggle enable/disable default fadein/fadeout" instead

v2.0.0 #10 (February 7, 2011)

Support for v4 empty take lanes:

Main "Extensions" menu:


Fixed crash when running some of the S&M Resources window's slot actions (applying, importing, pasting, etc. track templates or FX chains from unexisting slots)
Fixed corner case refresh bug in S&M Resources window
Issue 250: Added action "SWS: Toggle auto fades for new items"
Added action "SWS: Toolbar mute toggle"
Fixed directory scan for grooves on OS X

v2.0.0 #9 (February 4, 2011)


Added actions:

Duplicate recording input check now ignores "input monitoring only" record mode.
Fixed possible S&M.ini file corruption (thanks Mercado Negro!)

House cleaning (more to come):

v2.0.0 #8 (February 1, 2011)

Autorender updates:

Support for v4 empty take lanes (more to come):

Added pitch take envelope support for Padre's Envelope LFO Generator and Envelope Processor (v4 only)

Added actions:

House cleaning (more to come):

Issue 50:  SWS: Create regions from sel item(s) named with take
Issue 126: Warn about recording same inputs on multiple tracks: http://www.standingwaterstudios.com/shup/RecInputCheck.png Also added actions "SWS: Enable/Disable checking for duplicate inputs when recording."
Issue 244: Added "SWS: Set selected take(s) to custom color X" actions
Issue 246: Added toolbar-status only action "SWS: Are any tracks soloed? [no-op, for toolbar]"
Fixed using Windows generated reaconsole_customcommands.txt files on OS X.

v2.0.0 #7 (January 29, 2011)

NEW: Preliminary version of "Autorender."  Thanks, Shane!  For more information, run Autorender: show instructions from the File->Autorender menu (or actions).

Added actions:

Notes/help window fixes:

v2.0.0 #6 (January 27, 2011)

Fixed corruption of last item in auto color list
Fixed keyboard focus issues
Improved groove tool keyboard handling
(#5b) Improved "SWS: Set all takes to next/prev mono/stereo channel mode" actions

v2.0.0 #5 (January 26, 2011)

FNG Groove Tool Updates:

S&M updates:

Fixed bug that "silently" deleted items in SWS lists while renaming (Thanks, Bevosss)
4 new actions: "SWS: Set all takes to next/prev mono/stereo channel mode"

v2.0.0 #4 (January 23, 2011)

Groove Tool fixes:

Fixed auto color needing to be forced in some situations
Fixed some screenset loading issues

v2.0.0 #3 (January 22, 2011)

Fingers/FNG extension update/merge!

Auto color/icon fixes from really broken build #2.
Auto color/icon information is stored in a new file sws-autocoloricon.ini for easy sharing (old settings copied for you)
Issue 225: Fixed selected text in Notes/help window when switching between docker tabs
Fix for toggle actions to focus SWS views when docked

v2.0.0 #2 (January 21, 2011)

Fix to close our windows on initial screenset load (thanks Bevosss)
Auto color/icon updates:

v2.0.0 #1 (January 19, 2011)

Due to a change in the way S&M.ini file is managed, you may face some issues when switching between SWS official <-> SWS beta.
Well, a clean upgrade is automatically managed when SWS official -> SWS beta, but you'll probably loose your FX Chains setup when switching back to SWS beta -> SWS official.
So a backup of the "official" S&M.ini might be a good idea (or sticking with the beta as the new S&M.ini format won't change).

Short changelog:

Changelog details:

Added S&M Resources window
The "FX chains" view turned into a "Resources" window: FX chains + Track templates + goodies
The same features that exist for FX chains are now available for track templates too. A cool thing now is that we can patch existing tracks with track templates (and not only  "add track template as new track"). Well, some other sort of snapshots..
Also, saving track templates and FX chains is eased thanks to the "auto-save" feature, see below. A new feature "Auto-fill" also allows creating slots automatically.
Bonus: check out Tallisman's awesome FX Chain library, here!

Updated SWS Autocolor view: now also features auto track icon (the view has been renamed into "SWS Auto Color/Icon"), demo here.
Rmk: your current color configurations will be preserved when upgrading..

S&M Notes/help view updates:
Remark: here's an anim showing how to use notes, action help & online help

S&M Live Configs updates:

S&M Cue buss:

S&M house cleaning:

Other S&M updates/fixes:

Issue 225: Fixed selected text in Notes/help view when switching between docker tabs

SWS v1.x.x

Goto here for older changes